Transformational Tools for Body, Mind, and Spirit
World-Class Trainings for Coaches
World-Class Personal Development Sessions
Dr. Robert Dee McDonald
Dr. Luzette McDonald
Our mission is to heal and be healed — to create physical, sexual, emotional, mental, and spiritual wholeness across the globe.
Our vision is to see the world populated by effective, compassionate coaches.
Our purpose is to help create heaven on earth. In other words, at Telos, we intend to heal the wounded heart of the world.
Through the integration of tender compassion and effective technology, the marriage of the heart and the sword, we accomplish our mission, vision, and purpose. We teach and train professional coaches, offer healing workshops, and we work with individual clients in person and online.
Aristotle said all actions aim at a final Telos, end, or goal, and for humans, this is happiness. The Telos is the ultimate goal of all processes and goals. The goal of the goal. The positive intention behind all behavior.
In order to achieve our Telos, which is the ultimate goal of all goals, we use and teach The Destination Coaching Method.
The Destination Method (TDM), created by Dr. Robert Dee McDonald, is a Transpersonal Coaching Strategy that helps resolve unnecessary suffering in body, mind and spirit. He discusses his 7 Levels of The Creative Order as they relate to anxiety, depression, and conscious evolution. TDM transcends and includes portions of NLP via a stable ontology and axiology.
The Destination Coaching Method® is a comprehensive and compassionate transpersonal coaching strategy that employs extraordinarily powerful Telos Tools.
Our tools are designed to resolve unnecessary suffering at every level of human experience: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. In the background of our Telos Tools, we have faith in the spiritual dimensions of being, goodness, and principle, as expressed in the first three, of our 30, convictions:
1. People are beings, not actions, nor things, nor systems of things.
2. People are innocent and incomparably Good.
3. When people are convinced that Innocence is Infinite, they awaken in fearlessness and Virtue.
The End of Painful Memories: Rape Trauma Resolved
The End of Co-Dependence: Releasing Emotional Enmeshment
The Destination Method: Necessary and Unnecessary Suffering
Live Session: Shock, Trauma and Grief Resolved
At The Telos Healing Center, we intend to heal the wounded heart of the world through the integration of tender compassion and effective technology: The marriage of the Heart and the Sword.
We use and teach The Destination Method®, Dr. Robert’s transpersonal coaching strategy.
“Dr. Robert Dee McDonald is the greatest coach in the world. He resolves people’s long-standing issues in minutes. He is the most stunningly effective coach I’ve ever encountered. "
Carolyn Elliott, Author of Existential Kink
“Dr. Robert Dee McDonald is 1,000 times more effective than any other Executive Coach I know in business."
Mary Pat Blake, MBA Harvard, President of Blake Strategic Consulting
"Dr. Robert Dee McDonald is the best therapist in the world today."
Philip Mandel, Master Practitioner
“Dr. Robert Dee McDonald is one of the master healers of our time.”
Renee Stephens, PhD, Author of Full Filled
"Dr. Robert Dee McDonald is a world-class Therapist, Coach and Trainer. Simply, there is nobody better."
Dr. Robert Low, Master TDM Coach
"Dr. Robert Dee McDonald's Destination Method Coaching is the most powerful healing work I've seen in my 20+ years in healthcare."
Dr. Jane Bolton, PsyD
"On Christmas day I had a stroke. I was paralyzed and in a coma for almost one month. Rev. Dr. Robert DeeMcDonald came to the hospital and worked with me for about 30 minutes. I came out of the coma and spoke. My life was saved. It has been many years. The X-Rays show no evidence that I ever had a stroke. I have had no complications whatsoever. My heart is filled with gratitude and love."
Janice Rebstock, Licensed Addiction Counselor, Louisiana
"Dr. Robert Dee McDonald helped me resolve a 15-year interpersonal conflict in less than 10 minutes, as well as my need for doughnuts, ice cream and chocolate chip cookies, in one session."
Tom Sanson - NLP Master Practitioner
"Dr. Robert Dee McDonald helped me, in one session, to completely heal the profound shock, trauma and grief I felt over the death of my 23-year-old son."
Jean Swann, Creator of The Wisdom Show